Comment 100 for bug 419328

Revision history for this message
pablomme (pablomme) wrote :

I've attached a little script I'm using to switch outputs without having compiz trigger this bug. It does so by disabling compiz, switching outputs, then re-enabling compiz.

Download the script, make it executable and (optionally) place it in your path. Usage examples:
  rnr_switch VGA1 # switch from the current output to the external monitor
  rnr_switch VGA1:1280x1024@75 # as above, but using a custom resolution and refresh rate
  rnr_switch LVDS1 # switch from the current output back to the laptop panel
With the 'commands' compiz plugin (for which you will need to install compizconfig-settings-manager) you can associate key combinations with the execution of any of the above commands. See the comments at the top of the script for more info.

Note that this script can only be used to turn one output on and the other one off. It wouldn't be difficult to make it do output cloning as well, but at present it just doesn't.

Needless to say, this script is a temporary, incomplete hack around this bug, but it does its job.