Comment 122 for bug 580961

Revision history for this message
Lasse Kärkkäinen (tronic+mb48) wrote :

For whatever the reason, unzip-6.0-4ubuntu1 still doesn't support choosing the codepage and it uses CP866 (cyrillic) by default. This is a very bad choice. The default should be CP437 as is the default used by IBM BIOS, MS-DOS, VGA, etc. It should *also* be configurable via commandline option.

Meanwhile, incorrectly extracted filenames can be fixed by
convmv -f UTF-8 -t CP866 -r --notest . # Undo the incorrect conversion done by unzip
convmv -f CP437 -t UTF-8 -r --notest . # Convert CP437 (MS-DOS charset) into UTF-8 (what Linux systems should use nowadays)

If your zip actually uses something else, replace CP437 with the applicable DOS codepage (and remove --notest to do dry runs without actually renaming anything while testing different options).