Comment 48 for bug 663776

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Kyle Nitzsche (knitzsche) wrote :


Please say what you think is the correct *functionality* (from a high level) for input method daemon startup at user login time for the user selected language at (g)dm time.

I think Ubuntu should support multiple users. Some might want the input method daemon running, some might not. Currently, I think the daemon *only* starts if the LANG variable implies a locale for imput methods, even if the user selects Chinese/Simplified at (g)dm time. This does not seem right to me. I think the daemon should start up at gdm session start time only if the user selects (in gdm) a language for which input methods are appropriate. (I did my testing - above - by manually editing /etc/default/locale: LANG, not by using Language Suppor application. It is possible that this testing is invalid.

The fix Gunnar pushed (and I thought was right) was that the input method daemon should start if the user selects at gdm time a language that requires input methods.