Comment 85 for bug 691380

Revision history for this message
In , Bugzilla2007 (bugzilla2007) wrote :

Created attachment 460736
Interactive XUL Mockup V.2: Simple Quick Filter Widget (Vertical Dropdown variants incl. combined Global Search Mode)

Before going "horizontal", I wanted to see how it feels to have a separate "Global Search" mode on the dropdown. It's similar, but not not identical in behaviour to what we had in TB 3.0. Use the variants-dropdown in lower-right corner to test different variants (A, B, C - in your comments, please mention attachment id, Mockup Version No, these letters and anything else needed for precise reference). We could argue it's just a larger scope, but still it's a different animal that comes out in a new tab. Please note: We can have a "unified" search box *without* the "Global search"-only mode on the dropdown: Ctrl+Enter will always trigger a global search, and if filter has no results, you can just press Enter again to "continue this search across folders".