Comment 9 for bug 286014

Revision history for this message
Authority (8-launchpad-weshardin-com) wrote :

Just another me too, but I'm only testing copies, not duplex.

Kubuntu 8.10 on the client. Ubuntu 8.10 Server on the server. Both x86_64. Both up-to-date.

I confirmed that the CUPS server is only getting a request for 1 copy. From the CUPS error_log with debug level logging:

D [14/Jan/2009:13:51:34 -0600] [Job 512] argv[0]="Msouth"
D [14/Jan/2009:13:51:34 -0600] [Job 512] argv[1]="512"
D [14/Jan/2009:13:51:34 -0600] [Job 512] argv[2]="whardin"
D [14/Jan/2009:13:51:34 -0600] [Job 512] argv[3]="netapp_volumes.dvi"
D [14/Jan/2009:13:51:34 -0600] [Job 512] argv[4]="1"
D [14/Jan/2009:13:51:34 -0600] [Job 512] argv[5]="media=Letter sides=one-sided f
inishings=3 number-up=1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:7f37c6f6-6d2f-33be-69a0-67ddae2fdf37"
D [14/Jan/2009:13:51:34 -0600] [Job 512] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00512-001"

argv[4] is the number of copies requested and it's always 1, no matter what I put in the Okular print dialog.