Comment 77 for bug 655078

Revision history for this message
Michael E. Adams (meadams) wrote :


I have attached (I hope I did it correctly - if I didn't, I will post the script in a follow-on comment) a command line bash script to automate the installation of version 256.53 of the nvidia driver. It will download all necessary .deb packages (i.e. you must have an active Internet connection) and other Ubuntu packages necessary to install and run. Simply get to a virtual terminal (ctrl-alt-F2) or text login and execute this script (i.e. the file must have executable file permissions enabled):


Note that this script will be downloading files to the directory from which the script is called. I always work out of a ~/workdir/nvidia directory in order to contain all files.

During the installation, you must pay attention to answer prompts along the way. For example, select 0 (i.e. the nvidia-current, auto mode alternate driver) when prompted.

If the script executes correctly, you can safely ignore warning messages that might appear along the way. If it doesn't execute correctly, you will need to try to work through the error messages to perform diagnostics. This script is throw-away code, so I didn't spend any time exception handling.

I wrote this script to allow me to return to a working configuration should future bug fix releases not quite work out as planned or if I accidentally re-install the nvidia upgrade package that caused this mess for me in the first place.

Good luck,