Comment 104 for bug 331369

Revision history for this message
Max Barry (max-maxbarry) wrote :

The multihead-mode "focus-follow" fix mentioned earlier DOES work for me, but in Ubuntu11.10 I have to use dconf-editor, not gconf-editor (which is obsolete now, right?).

This makes notifications appear on whichever screen has focus (which is very handy, I've found). It's working for me with twinview configured via nvidia-settings.

Before: notifications always appeared on the right-hand monitor, which was sub-optimal because I'm not usually looking at it.

Fix: "dconf--editor", navigate to apps -> notify-osd, change "multihead-mode" to "focus-follow". No need to log out or restart anything.

notify-send --icon=gtk-add "Test notification" "This is a test message"