Comment 26 for bug 659872

Revision history for this message
John Vincent (jonny-vincent) wrote :

> Since this is not directly relevant to this bug report, could you please file a new bug against nm-applet, so we can work on this:

1000 apologies, I got carried away at seeing a default /etc/hosts posted, and I'm an exuberant moron. I shall gleefully but gratefully impose upon your kindness by filing a new bug report, thank you!

> To me it looks like a different issue specific to IPv6 after all. In reality, you probably shouldn't even have this new IPv6 entry
> in /etc/hosts if your system is set to Ignore for IPv6 in NM. I'll start writing a patch to bypass setting this alias when IPv6
> is set to >Ignore.

No idea if being helpful, but wanting to be of help, I upgraded to 11.04 last night and I no longer have an IP6 added by the system into /etc/hosts when IP6 is set to Ignore. cheers!