Comment 5 for bug 725089

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Stefan Bader (smb) wrote : Re: QRT test-kernel-security causes kernel panic on EC2 AMD64 image

How many times was a reboot into the latest kernel tried? I ran some tests today and apart from one odd failure to boot a daily Maverick instance which went directly from pending into terminated, I was able to update and bring up two m1.large instance with 2.6.35-27.48-virtual.

(Note on the side that reboot and possibly halt from within the instance seem to be generally broken in Maverick. I noted this today when playing around with my local system. For Lucid "xm shutdown" will completely halt the instance, but for Maverick images I need to call "xm destroy" as well. Same with "xm reboot" and "xm reset")

So maybe we are just facing a rare failure case which needs investigation. But I would say it is not a regression.