Comment 22 for bug 621743

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Jeff Bankston (ubuntu-bciassociates) wrote :

I have a Dell Precision M4500 64-bit laptop using the 5620 gobi, and I have the same issue. I have been following this thread for a long time, tried all the options given, and can never get gobi to work solidly every time. For me, this is soon to become a show-stopper because I heavily depend on this communications path. In Windows 7, gobi works perfectly but I have made the transition to Maverick 64-bit, and use vmware now for all my windows needs.

If Ubuntu doesn't come up with a fix soon, or perhaps it sounds like this could even be tied back to the kernal, I'm going to have to temporarily go back to my Dell M4400 with the AT&T chipset and Lucid, how I hate to have to do that...... I love 64bit.

I will gladly be a tester for the fixes in 64-bit, if something ever comes out.
