Comment 45 for bug 544469

Revision history for this message
Cerin (chrisspen) wrote :

Cobbling together a few guides and bug reports I found elsewhere, here's how I resolved this on my Macbook Pro 5,5 running Ubuntu 11.10.

1. Download AppleUSBVideoSupport driver file (e.g. and place at ~/Desktop

2. sudo apt-get install isight-firmware-tools
Skip the prompt to immediately load the driver file.

3. cd ~/Desktop; sudo cp AppleUSBVideoSupport /lib/firmware/

4. sudo ift-extract -a /lib/firmware/AppleUSBVideoSupport

5. sudo nano /etc/default/acpi-support
Find MODULES and make it MODULES="isight_usb".

6. lsusb | grep -Po '(?<=:)(\d+)(?=.*iSight)'
This outputs the product ID of your specific iSight USB device. Remember this number. Mine is 8507. The default Ubuntu driver seems to be hardcoded for 8300, which is a problem.

7. sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/isight.rules
Add (and be sure to replace the "8507" with your product ID.):
ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="05ac", SYSFS{idProduct}=="8507", RUN+="/usr/lib/udev/ift-load --firmware /lib/firmware/isight.fw"

8. Shutdown/poweroff (not reboot or restart).

9. Reboot.

10. sudo apt-get install cheese; cheese