Comment 11 for bug 434042

Revision history for this message
DarkJavi (darkjavi) wrote :

Now I can run pulseaudio with ignoredb=1, on gnome-volume-control I see 1 hardware with 2 outputs, one as 5.1 and other as 4.1, first one appears when running with ignoredb=1 and sounds right, while second one sounds distorted. the maximal volume is set by the volumevar of the distorted interface, on that interface sounds distorted but when go back to the working one it applied the volume change right.

Log attached, on that log session:
run pulseaudio
open volumecontrol
played sound with the first output -->sounds good
change to second interface --> sounds distorted
raised volume var of 2nd interface-->even more distorted
switch back to first interface --> sounds good and louder

With ignoredb workaround I can use sound normally, thanks David!