Comment 53 for bug 207446

Revision history for this message
Ken Milburn (kenmilburn) wrote :

I'm unsure as to what I should type following these instructions:

 Chri wrote on 2008-08-12: (permalink)

This WorkAround also works for me :
- from the gnome network manager, launch the connection
- find the wpa PID by a 'ps -ef | grep wpa_supplicant'
- do a 'sudo renice 19 wpa_pid' , replace wpa_pid by the wpa_supplicant PID

I have done the following:

ken@ken-linux:~$ sudo ps -ef | grep wpa_supplicant
root 8505 1 0 16:36 ? 00:00:00 /sbin/wpa_supplicant -g /var/run/wpa_supplicant-global
ken 8614 8581 0 16:42 pts/0 00:00:00 grep wpa_supplicant