Comment 37 for bug 2000947

Revision history for this message
Giuliano Lotta (giuliano69) wrote :

Hi Joseph
here are the needed bash command, you need to insert in a terminal window. You can also save these commands in a command file, so to update the video driver each time system is updated (in that case you probably need to delete the old ~/linux-* directory first, so not to mess something...) .

Each line is commented with #, so you know what you are doing... :-))

cd ~ # change to your home directory
apt-get source linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r) #download in your home, the kernel source file version that match your used kernel
cd ~/linux-*/drivers/media/usb/uvc # change to the currently created uvc directory
mv uvc_driver.c uvc_driver.old # rename/backup the uvc driver soruce file, that need to be updated
wget # download the updated driver source file
make -j4 -C /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build M=$(pwd) modules # complie the updated video modules for your kernel version
sudo cp uvcvideo.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/media/usb/uvc/ #install the video driver module in the system
reboot #reboot to check your camera is working