Comment 44 for bug 32123

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Bob Gotthardt (linux-gotthardt) wrote :

Yes, research shows this appears to be a chronic Dual CPU problem with Linux mis-handling initiation for various devices [media card readers, HDMA speed, DVD/hard disk controls, NICs]. Doubt BIOS has any effect.

I too had no trouble back in May with the 'live-cd' and eventually configured my 160G disk and installed 8.04, as described above (may 11). Since then it is hit or miss startup w/o a recovery boot. As suggested here, I searched Linux kernel issues and only 'live-cd' problem found [Bug 223656] was Intel Duo dealing with a NIC. I added comment to that. Bug 223656 seems to be handled by a Dell Kernel team. Maybe if you add a comment there too, we will hear something about this.

Ironically, I bought this new Dell specifically with XP to avoid Vista and setup dual boot Linux [AMD64].
Ubuntu [i386] runs fine on four other HPs and one Toshiba laptop.