Comment 75 for bug 467668

Revision history for this message
Leo (leorolla) wrote :

Don't worry :-)
Let's refine the search?
You can set back some of the folders to see which ones are causing the problem.
(For example, ***I am assuming you didn't do anything with the backup folder*** to be sure that the problem is in { .config , .compiz }
rsync -a ~/backup/ ~/double-backup-to-keep-chromium-links-even-safer/
rm -rf ~/{.gnome*,.gconf*} ; rsync -a ~/backup/{.gnome*,.gconf*} ~/
Reboot. Should be working well.
rm -rf ~/{.config,.compiz} ; rsync -a ~/backup/{.config,.compiz} ~/
Reboot. Should be as bad as before. )