Comment 14 for bug 157044

Revision history for this message
Martin G Miller (mgmiller) wrote :

After all the updates to cups and ghostscript, I wanted to try returning the system to its original configuration and time it. So, undoing the change to cupsd.conf and resetting all the drivers back the way they were resulted in top showing 49% cpu for gs and 49% cpu for cups and having a 4x6 photo print remain in print que for 2mins. 45 seconds. Redoing the "cups patch" as above got rid of the cups cpu hit, but as before, gs spikes to 98-99% cpu and it sits in the que for 72 seconds. It is slowly getting worse. This ghostscript bug has not been resolved. Also, the cups problem remains, but at least there is a work around. As before, plain paper documents print almost instantly, it is only photo printing that is affected. Could Till Kamppeter please shed some light on whether anything is being done about these regressions? Will they be fixed in Hardy?