Comment 192 for bug 862430

Revision history for this message
Soos Gergely (sogerc1) wrote :

After today's update the compiz from the vanvugt repository has stopped working.
compiz-plugins-main and compiz-lugins-main-default was updated which are not provided by the ppa.
A lot of plugins are not loaded, all of them complain that a symbol is missing: _ZN10CompOption7setNameEPKcNS_4TypeE
Here is an example.
compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin '/usr/lib/compiz/' : /usr/lib/compiz/ undefined symbol: _ZN10CompOption7setNameEPKcNS_4TypeE
compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'animation'
The "normal" compiz is already at version, I'm guessing the plugins miss a symbol from that version. Fortunately I could downgrade, the old pkg is still there. What should I do? Should I forbid the update? Will there be a fix?