Comment 48 for bug 80900

Revision history for this message
xennex82 (xennex82) wrote :

I guess I am wrong about the "upstream security hole" thing. But I don't know why you would use mDNS for serious security anyway.

mdns_minimal already causes a 4-second fallthrough (if AVAHI is disabled at least).

So Lennart is ranting and screaming only about the [NOTFOUND=return] line?

As if he decides what NSS does. His is a plugin. A plugin is a peer to other plugins; not one plugin is more important than the others;

the plugin is just that, the configuration is up to the end user (or the bigger system).

He acts as if /etc/nsswitch.conf now belongs to his package.

His PulseAudio also configures itself in the same way as authorative with ALSA. Same idea, repeats itself.

  "If PulseAudio module is loaded, set it to be the ALSA default device".


  What if some other module wanted to do the same?

So NSS is to Lennart just an annoyance, an archaic system that doesn't make him the most important person in the world and then he starts saying "fuck yous" to get his way.

He wanted his package to be orphaned and renamed, as if he holds a trademark to "mdns".

As if he holds a trademark to "libnss".

Nothing about that is "Lennart".

That's the least trade-markable name in the history of trademarkable names.

And then he starts ranting "You don't give a fuck about people and you think it's about you".

But everything is always about Lennart.

What Lennart wants.

What Lennart decides.

What Lennart says is best.

Quite remarkable that you can think "libnss-mdns" is somehow a trademarkable name.