Comment 59 for bug 310854

Revision history for this message
D (dj-lp) wrote :

I managed to get it working again somehow.

1. I downgraded ghostscript gs-gpl, gs, ghostscript-x, etc. to hardy (v. 8.61), which caused errors.
2. I upgraded back to intrepid's version.
3. I replaced /usr/bin/cifmp610 with the canon original packaged version.
4. I reinstalled a few things from cnijfilter-common-2.80: pstocanonij and backend. (see their INSTALL files)
5. It worked again. I assume step 4 (a new freshly compiled installation) probably makes the difference. I don't know for sure, though.

The error with Gimp getting the wrong page size remains, though. I confirmed, that it only happens with the page sizes from the canon printers. If I chose difference page sizes manually, gimp doesn't show the problem. I also confirmed, that the picture shown by gimp gets smaller every time I choose one of the printer's page sizes and press apply in the page setup. If I use a custom page size, the canon driver won't print, even if the size is exactly the same as one of it's page profiles.

I think the (remaining) bug must be either in gimp or it's libraries. I don't think cups causes the difference, but I can easily try that out by downgrading it.