Hi Emma, У чет, 20. 11 2008. у 22:07 +0000, EmmaJane пише: > I'm not asking for a "fix." This is a feature request or a "wishlist" > item. I will be sad if you, Danilo, are the only developer who works > on Launchpad Translations and you say that you will never implement > this request. I am not the only developer, but you might be amazed at how many things of pretty high priority we've already got on our plate. As I said, I am being realistic about what we can achieve in a recent future. I am sorry if it hurts your feelings, but that's how software development works: there are too many excellent ideas, but you get to implement only a small subset of them. Would you feel better if I said: "ok, we are going to implement this in five years time?" (maybe we are, but would you really, honestly care?). I understand how you may be unfamiliar with bug statuses in Launchpad, but if I wanted to say that I believe this is a silly request, I would have marked it "Invalid", not "Won't fix". "Won't fix" acknowledges that this is a legitimate request, but says that this is something we don't have time to work on. > It doesn't seem to be in the spirit of open or more to the > point--it doesn't seem to be in the spirit of encouraging participation > to help distribute the work load involved in translating documents. I offered to help set up appropriate system, and judging from your "use-cases", I think I was correct in what you need. You have an option to disregard my experience (or simply not to trust me), but the choice is yours. > To dismiss the request because of legacy issues also makes me sad. I want > to improve the tools. To say, "I tried once and it's too hard" does not > seem like the right approach. I am not sure what you are offering here, because this sounds insulting. I think I've proven my good motives by sitting down and spending countless hours developing a tool as a volunteer, to help other volunteers translate documentation. > I have identified a problem and now I > would like to identify a solution. If there is a better place to put > this feature request, I would like you to help me find that place so > that we can work through the problems and find a solution! If you want to have a discussion, launchpad-users mailing list is the best place to have it on. If you want to engage in a technical discussion with Launchpad Translations developers, you can email us at