18:01 danilos : adiroiban, updateTranslations is off limits: no changes allowed there ;) 18:02 danilos : adiroiban, and date_created should probably not be modified 18:02 adiroiban : danilos: a I agree with date_created 18:03 adiroiban : but I don't know how to modify a potmsgset to be listed again as needs review 18:03 danilos : adiroiban, logic to determine which method to call should be in the browser code 18:03 danilos : adiroiban, potmsgset shouldn't be modified at all 18:04 danilos : adiroiban, it's a TM you are modifying, and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/201749/comments/13 gives you a suggestion 18:04 mup : Bug #201749: Impossible to mark as needing review strings already translated or with suggestions 18:04 adiroiban : danilos: ok I will move the logic to browser code 18:04 danilos : adiroiban, and now, on to the resetCurrentTranslation method :) 18:07 danilos : adiroiban, the way you do it won't do: we don't have the luxury of fetching a bunch of messages for every single message on +translate page 18:07 danilos : adiroiban, you need to get only the matching message if it exists 18:08 adiroiban : ok. but the logic is ok ? 18:08 danilos : adiroiban, and the thing you are doing there is not what you should be doing 18:09 danilos : adiroiban, no, sorry 18:09 adiroiban : ok 18:09 adiroiban : I still don't know how diverged messages shoudl be handled 18:10 danilos : adiroiban, basically, your code does this: "current, diverged translation 'blah' needs review, let's find all other diverged translations 'blah' and make them 'shared' 18:12 adiroiban : and what it should do? 18:12 danilos : adiroiban, well, the only thing code should do is find an identical (to current) suggestion (meaning .is_current=False, .potemplate=None) if it exists, and then only discard the older one 18:12 danilos : adiroiban, let me prepare an example 18:15 danilos : adiroiban, http://paste.ubuntu.com/394099/ 18:15 danilos : adiroiban, fwiw, removing a message is impossible from web UI anyway, so you really can't fix this bug properly 18:17 danilos : adiroiban, another example to be wary of: http://paste.ubuntu.com/394100/ 18:18 adiroiban : how we should proceed with the removal of a message? 18:30 lantash1 > [~lantash@222-179.107-92.cust.bluewin.ch] joins #launchpad-reviews 18:30 danilos : adiroiban, well, the best way would be to somehow tag it an then remove it later 18:31 adiroiban : danilos: and when tag it... we should tag it in a wait it will not be selected by any other existing query 18:31 danilos : adiroiban, what do you mean? 18:32 danilos : adiroiban, perhaps we'll have to allow removal from the web UI as well, though that sounds very, very bad 18:32 danilos : adiroiban, there's also the transfer of all the flags, like is_imported, from the deleted message to the preserved one 18:32 adiroiban : danilos: i guess there are many SELECT queries that will need to be modified to take into acount the tag 18:33 danilos : adiroiban, yeah, it'd end up being a pretty big change, with many performance implications 18:34 danilos : adiroiban, as such, I wouldn't tackle this before many other things are cleaned up first 18:35 adiroiban : danilos: but this is a big issues if someone is using Launchpad translations for reviewing or doing QA related tasks 18:36 danilos : adiroiban, I am not disagreeing, I am just saying that it'll take a lot of work to get this done properly; or, we can ignore some of the issues and live with some problems we introduce, but we've got to be aware of them first 18:37 danilos : adiroiban, for example, perhaps it's not a big deal if we've got duplicate identical suggestions in the DB, so let's not block on that 18:38 adiroiban : danilos: for the duplicate suggestions 18:38 danilos : adiroiban, we'll get some weird behaviour occasionally, but let's say they are of lower priority 18:38 adiroiban : maybe we can have a cron job that will do the cleaning 18:38 danilos : adiroiban, now, there's still some things to worry about 18:30 danilos : adiroiban, well, the best way would be to somehow tag it an then remove it later 18:31 adiroiban : danilos: and when tag it... we should tag it in a wait it will not be selected by any other existing query 18:31 danilos : adiroiban, what do you mean? 18:32 danilos : adiroiban, perhaps we'll have to allow removal from the web UI as well, though that sounds very, very bad 18:32 danilos : adiroiban, there's also the transfer of all the flags, like is_imported, from the deleted message to the preserved one 18:32 adiroiban : danilos: i guess there are many SELECT queries that will need to be modified to take into acount the tag 18:33 danilos : adiroiban, yeah, it'd end up being a pretty big change, with many performance implications 18:34 danilos : adiroiban, as such, I wouldn't tackle this before many other things are cleaned up first 18:35 adiroiban : danilos: but this is a big issues if someone is using Launchpad translations for reviewing or doing QA related tasks 18:36 danilos : adiroiban, I am not disagreeing, I am just saying that it'll take a lot of work to get this done properly; or, we can ignore some of the issues and live with some problems we introduce, but we've got to be aware of them first 18:37 danilos : adiroiban, for example, perhaps it's not a big deal if we've got duplicate identical suggestions in the DB, so let's not block on that 18:38 adiroiban : danilos: for the duplicate suggestions 18:38 danilos : adiroiban, we'll get some weird behaviour occasionally, but let's say they are of lower priority 18:38 adiroiban : maybe we can have a cron job that will do the cleaning 18:38 danilos : adiroiban, now, there's still some things to worry about 18:38 danilos : adiroiban, maybe, but that'll be very complex as well 18:39 adiroiban : danilos: what are are the other issues? 18:39 danilos : adiroiban, and it won't stop any weirdness 18:40 danilos : adiroiban, the other issue is that we need to carefully consider what will happen when somebody asks a diverged translation to be reviewed, and there is an existing shared one 18:41 danilos : adiroiban, i.e. http://paste.ubuntu.com/394130/ 18:41 danilos : adiroiban, also, note that you can't unset potemplate if is_imported is true either 18:43 adiroiban : danilos: for lates example, I think result 1 is fine 18:44 adiroiban : and then another reviewer can decide if the shared suggestion is better 18:44 adiroiban : or it will need a new diverged translation 18:45 danilos : adiroiban, right 18:46 danilos : adiroiban, ok, so, then it won't be that complicated 18:46 adiroiban : danilos: what are the consequences of setting potemplate = None for a msgset with is_imported = True ? 18:47 danilos : adiroiban, basically, we'll have to watch if current message is diverged or not; if it is, and it isn't is_imported, then you unset is_current and .potemplate and how you don't hit a DB constraint :) 18:47 danilos : adiroiban, it won't be diverged is_imported message, and if there's another shared is_imported message, you'd be in for a ride 18:47 danilos : adiroiban, basically, many places where only one is expected would assert/traceback 18:48 danilos : adiroiban, provided you don't hit a DB constraint first (I am not sure if we have one like that) 18:48 adiroiban : danilos: I see 18:50 adiroiban : danilos: ok. thanks. one more question regarding potmsgset.updateTranslation() 18:50 danilos : adiroiban, sure (though, you still can't touch it: nobody can, functionality needs to be slowly factored out of it :) 18:50 adiroiban : should I add a new bug for the case when you tick „needs” for a already reviewd translation? 18:51 adiroiban : or we already have a bug for that? 18:51 danilos : adiroiban, what do you mean? 18:51 adiroiban : if you add a new suggestion 18:51 danilos : adiroiban, ok? 18:51 adiroiban : and you tick „needs review” 18:51 adiroiban : it will be listed as a new suggestion 18:51 danilos : adiroiban, right, that's how it should work 18:52 adiroiban : but if in fact it is not a new suggesion 18:52 jtv : salgado-lunch: I've fixed up the weirdness in my branch. I'm going to reboot now, hoping that that'll fix it. 18:52 adiroiban : and _findTranslationMessage 18:52 adiroiban : finds that this new suggestion 18:52 danilos : adiroiban, ah, right, it's an already discarded suggestion 18:52 adiroiban : is in fact an already existing suggestion 18:52 jtv < [~jtv@] quits [Quit: Leaving.] 18:52 adiroiban : it will not mark it as needs review 18:52 adiroiban : this is why I touched the updateTranslation code 18:53 danilos : adiroiban, I am pretty sure we have a bug about that as well 18:53 adiroiban : ok 18:54 danilos : adiroiban, if you ever want to fix that, you'll have to provide a new method addASuggestion() or something, similar to what you did for this bug, and move the functionality out of updateTranslation method and add new functionality you want :) 18:54 danilos : adiroiban, and again, moved the logic to decide what to do out into browser code 18:54 adiroiban : danilos: yes. I will move that logic. 18:54 danilos : s/moved/move 18:55 adiroiban : that was the initial implimentation 18:55 adiroiban : but then I didn't know where to put the tests 18:55 adiroiban : for that code 18:55 danilos : adiroiban, right, I am talking about the other bug where discared suggestions don't show up as suggestions afterwards 18:55 adiroiban : danilos: ah. ok... do you have any suggestion for where should I put the integration tests for resetCurrentTranslation ? 18:56 adiroiban : lib/lp/translations/browser/tests/translationmessage-views.txt ? :56 adiroiban : I am very puzzled by the way unit tests and integration tests are structured 18:56 danilos : adiroiban, integration test? that would probably be very tricky, I'd look for existing needs review tests 18:57 danilos : adiroiban, good unit tests are most important here; single integration test is good enough 18:57 adiroiban : danilos: lib/lp/translations/tests/potmsgset-update-translation.txt 18:57 danilos : adiroiban, the problem is that all these translationmessage and pofile views are a mess, just like updateTranslation is: there is no clear separation of anything 18:58 adiroiban : danilos: ok 18:58 adiroiban : thanks! 18:58 danilos : adiroiban, that'd be for documentation on updateTranslation method, do it in potmsgset.txt with a single example for how to use resetCurrentTranslation (and please make it accept identical parameters as the rest of the methods: i.e. don't use pofile if other methods are passing potemplate, language and variant) 18:59 adiroiban : I will try to fix the current problems and come back with more questions 18:59 danilos : adiroiban, sure, I am likely to be out, but I can probably find some time over the weekend (email me :) 19:00 adiroiban : danilos: no emails for the weekend... and I don't know if I will have time over the weekend 19:00 danilos : adiroiban, heh, ok :) 19:01 danilos : adiroiban, anyway, to be honest, this should probably be a new checkbox closer to the current translation; hopefully redesign of +translate views will fix all this