Comment 4 for bug 753327

Revision history for this message
Alan (alangsmello) wrote :

I've got the same problem here, so I looked through the code and noticed that there is a small error ocurring in line 102 of file '': the itens of 'task_list_global' list are also lists, but with only one element (they were expected to be plain "dotted"s, instead).
If you change line 101 from "task_list_global= map(get_list_of_taskseries, lists_id_list)" to "task_list_global= map(lambda item: item[0] if type(item) == list and len(item) >= 1 else item, map(get_list_of_taskseries, lists_id_list))" the problem is solved. I think it's only a palliative solution (there must be an elegant way of dealing with this list!), but it's working well for now!