
lcy02-amd64-017 builds amd64 and i386 binaries and is owned by Canonical Launchpad Engineering.

View full history Current status

41269913 [building] Building ~pcsx2-team/pcsx2-github-mirror/+git/pcsx2-github-mirror recipe build in ubuntu mantic [~pcsx2-team/ubuntu/pcsx2-daily]

Started 8 minutes, 0.9 seconds ago.


> source-fast_float/dlemire/dropping2016
 * [new branch] dlemire/enable_tests_automatically -> source-fast_float/dlemire/enable_tests_automatically
 * [new branch] dlemire/experimental_dragonbox -> source-fast_float/dlemire/experimental_dragonbox
 * [new branch] dlemire/fast_serialization -> source-fast_float/dlemire/fast_serialization
 * [new branch] dlemire/issue195 -> source-fast_float/dlemire/issue195
 * [new branch] dlemire/upgradevs17 -> source-fast_float/dlemire/upgradevs17
 * [new branch] extra_test -> source-fast_float/extra_test
 * [new branch] fix_win32_ci -> source-fast_float/fix_win32_ci
 * [new branch] fortran -> source-fast_float/fortran
 * [new branch] issue211 -> source-fast_float/issue211
 * [new branch] issue235 -> source-fast_float/issue235
 * [new branch] issue_191 -> source-fast_float/issue_191
 * [new branch] main -> source-fast_float/main
 * [new branch] nofallbacknecessary -> source-fast_float/nofallbacknecessary
 * [new branch] release610_candidate -> source-fast_float/release610_candidate
 * [new branch] removing_dead_function -> source-fast_float/removing_dead_function
Note: switching to '32d21dcecb404514f94fb58660b8029a4673c2c1'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

HEAD is now at 32d21dc Merge pull request #122 from jwakely/patch-1
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/buildd/build-RECIPEBRANCHBUILD-3733998/chroot-autobuild/home/buildd/work/tree/recipe/3rdparty/vulkan-headers/.git/

Builder information

amd64 i386 (virtual)
Canonical Launchpad Engineering
This builder is in auto-mode and accepting jobs from the auto-build system.